Power Credit Enterprise Pte Ltd

Weight Loss Loan

Unforeseen spending or bills leaves us in in financial mayhem, and this is exactly where Power Credit can help relieve your financial burdens. We provide government licensed lending in Singapore for a wide array of urgent needs, whether it is paying your gas bill or a medical bill. Power Credit is your one stop source for quick personal loans, whenever you need that outreached hand.

We introduce to you our personal loan. This loan is highly suitable for customers who want to obtain a small to medium sized loan. These loan packages are custom created to meet to all your financial needs easily.

Why is the Personal Loan from Power Credit the ideal choice?

Obtaining a loan from Power Credit is convenient and not time consuming at all. We will not put your through the hassle of long form applications, the process is fuss-free, you simply fill in a few shorts forms and you can have your funds in that same hour. We do not discriminate borrower profiles, all clients are welcome to enjoy our services. The thing that sets us above the other lenders is that we know how quickly and urgently you require the money, and above all else, we do our best to meet your stringent requirements time and again. Our loan is:

Simple to apply for

  • Quick to disburse – (in the same hour)
  • Transparent – we ensure that borrowers know of all terms and understand them well
  • Fair to all, no discrimination
  • Absolutely no hidden clauses

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6 Reasons Why We Are One Of The Top Moneylenders

1. Quick Loans

Upon loan approval and agreement signed, we will provide you cash on the spot. Remember to bring along the required documents such as your NRIC/FIN card, Payslip, etc.

2. Friendly Service

Our loan assistants are friendly and knowledgeable in the field of money lending and will be able to advise you how to go about getting your loan. We will analyze your needs and because each of our clients needs are different and diverse, there are absolutely no obligations!

3. Flexible Repayment Scheme

Yes, in case you have problems repaying your loan on time, contact us and we will be able to work out an alternative repayment scheme on your loan. Be it a personal loan, a payday loan, business loan or fast cash, we have solutions for every need at your disposal!

4. Your Privacy is Assured

At 1AP Capital, your personal loan privacy is assured. All details will be kept confidential and with our secure database system, your details will never be divulged to 3rd party unless required by law.

5. Quick Cash Loans

When you have a financial emergency, we appreciate you need a quick solution. Out fast cash loans are disbursed to you once the loan is approved, and they are tailor-made to suit your needs.

6. Simple Processing

To access our loan packages, we need an NRIC copy or a valid work permit for foreigners, proof of income, and proof of residence. For business loans, more documents are required including NRIC copies for all partners, tenancy agreement for the company premises, and proof of assets, P&L statement, bank statements and current ACRA printout.

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